Unpacking the Benefits of Microdosing

For many people, the idea of taking drugs to enhance their mental and physical performance is a foreign concept. But what if you could take doses that are so small they wouldn’t have any psychoactive effects? This is what microdosing is all about. In this blog post, we’ll be unpacking the benefits of microdosing and exploring the top reasons people use it.
The 10 most common reasons that people microdose include anxiety reduction, improved creativity, increased energy, improved focus, enhanced self-awareness, enhanced introspection, improved mood, increased empathy and compassion, improved sleep quality. Additional studies also show psilocybin use helps to combat alcohol and drug addiction. Each of these benefits can be achieved by taking small doses of psychedelics on a regular basis.
So what is a “Small dose”? Typically, a dose as small as 50mg-100mg – but slightly larger doses could also be considered small if the person taking it is larger person of of above average body-weight.
For many, microdosing has been shown to provide benefits that are equivalent to conventional therapies in terms of anxiety reduction and other mental health issues. Research into microdosing has found that it may also provide physical benefits such as pain relief and increased energy levels.
It is worth noting however, that microdosing should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice; rather, it should be used as part of a larger holistic approach to improving your mental health.
Microdosing is an interesting concept that has many potential benefits to offer. But as with any drug, it’s important to remember that the effects vary from person to person and it’s important to find what works for you. Ultimately, it’s important to remember that microdosing is not a replacement for traditional therapies and medications, but should instead be used as an adjunct or supplemental approach. With this in mind, we hope this article has provided you with enough information to decide if microdosing might be right for you.
For more information about microdosing techniques and practices, visit the FAQ section of this website!