Social Dosing -Getting it Just Right!

If you’ve done mushrooms recreationally with friends, you know that there’s amazing times to be had. Some of my best, most memorable moments growing up involved a park, a handful of my closest friends and a handful of mushrooms! As I’ve matured though, so has my use of Magic Mushrooms. While I do use mushrooms therapeutically, most of the time I take them recreationally in what I like to call “Social doses”.
It’s been called many things: A Museum Dose, a Medium Dose, A Goldilocks Dose …it’s that dose of magic mushrooms that’s not too much, not too little …but just right. For me, that’s the place where I can enjoy that lightness and connectivity to others that mushrooms give you, as well as some happy, shiny visuals, without getting too tripped out that I can’t still have an intelligent conversation! It’s much more than a microdose, but less than a full dose.
There’s much to love about finding that perfect balance and I’ve found this to be much more enjoyable than drinking, smoking pot or other “Social drugs”. With Magic Mushrooms though, finding that perfect sized dose comes with a fair bit of experimentation. So if you’re looking to find your own social dose, here’s a few tips to help you get there a little easier:
Test your Dose
Don’t wing it before heading to a party! Be sure to test the amount you’re talking ahead of time. I used to test dose on an evening in, or if I was going outside somewhere where I wasn’t likely to have many interactions with others. A general guide to have a trip is 1 g of mushrooms per 100 lbs of body weight, so start with 500 mg per 100 lbs and see how that feels. If it’s too much or too little, adjust your dose in small, 300-400 mg increments.
100 lbs: 500 mg of Magic Mushrooms
150 lbs: 750 mg of Magic Mushrooms (or about 2 capsules)
200 lbs: 1g of Magic Mushrooms
Know your Strain
Magic Mushroom strains vary wildly in their potency. If you’re new to Social Dosing I’d suggest starting with a gentler strain like a Golden Teacher, B+ or Amazonian. If you’re taking stronger mushrooms like Penis Envy, Rhino Horn or Harlequins, adjust your dose down a few 100 mgs or so.
Dose with Food
A simple and effective way to err on the side of caution when planning for a busy, public setting, is to take your Magic Mushrooms with a light snack or a bit of food. Taking mushrooms on a full stomach may negate the effects of a social dose altogether, but taking them with a small amount of food can help ensure you don’t come up too quickly.
While the likelihood of overdoing it when social dosing is low, remember to drink lots of water, and if you do feel like you’ve taken a little too much, drink something sugary to lessen the effects of your mushrooms!